Sunday, March 14


i'm totally clueless about what's with me these days.i've gone kind of crazy..or lunatic is the right word i guess! maybe its the exam stress [well..i'm not worried or stressed out because its exams now.but the whole "EXAM" atmosphere deppresses me!]  or maybe its just that i dont get to meet my friends so often. i've got no clue about what's making me do this but i write like crazy these days!
earlier,,it used to be like,,some little poems and stories now and then.
but now its like,i dont know,,everything's just too much!
i scribble all my creations [most of them totally bizarre] into an old notebook of mine.and as soon as i finish writing,i read it once more.and  in a reflex,i'd either cut the whole thing out and say things like, " that what you call a poem?!" and "omg..why do my writings have to be so lame?!"..

there's this long thing i wrote about my tenth impressions about tenth at the beginning,,thinking that it would be dreadfully boring and realizing later that my preconceptions were so very wrong! i wrote about how much fun we all had..the fights for each other's lunchboxes..snatching food from the others..the whole class and one icecream..the exam time..the embarrassing moments..the times i cried and so on..
i remember writing,rewriting and editing this thing.and after all this "hardwork" , all i did was just strike the whole thing off!

another thing i wrote was about my tuition classes.about the fun i had with  my tuition mates..our tuition teacher..about how we used to climb the walls there and get scoldings from people.
about how i miss tuition and my friends from other schools now..
and i named it "tuitions are not only about studies" . it turned out to be kind of good but i abandoned that article halfway through!

and there were those lame poems of mine.ohh..they were pathetic!
i wrote about each and everything in this whole universe! from stars and the moon,the rain and the sunshine to chocolates and black nailcolor.. [yes..! a poem about "black nailcolor" ..!! omg! how crazy my ideas turn out to be..even i cant predict my actions sometimes! ]

those poems and stories i struck off and tore out,instead of discouraging me,has 'inspired' me to write this one and ofcourse,,to post it here! :)
after all,no one else can write the way i do..:)


Anonymous said...

Of course nobody can write like "U"-weird thoughts!!!gr8.keep going and all the best for ur ongoing exams

c.s. said...


I seriously love the way you write..Itz crazy but nice..There are loadz of people like you...who end up writin me..half the stuff i write never makes sense..LOL..nice...keep doin this! :P